
Chairmen of Working Groups of Hungarian Banking Association

On May 10, 2024, at the General Meeting of the Hungarian Banking Association, the appointed working group leaders are as follows:

  • Hegedüs Éva - ​Credit Guarantee Working Group
  • Molnár Csaba - Cash Transaction Working Group
  • Grenczer Balázs - Legal Working Committee
  • Hölczl Krisztina - Work-out Working Group
  • Bucsek Gábor Csaba - Senior professional adviser
  • Virovácz Péter - Macroeconomic Committe

On May 19, 2023, at the General Meeting of the Hungarian Banking Association, the appointed working group leaders are as follows:

  • Barna Piroska - Internal Audit Working Group
  • Bógyi Attila - JZB Legal Working Group
  • El-Anani Nóra - EXIM Working Group
  • Fischl Ákos - JZB Real Estate Appraisal Working Group
  • Gerle Balázs - LTP Banking Operations Working Group
  • Hollósi Dávid - Agricultural Working Committee
  • Komáromi Eszter - LTP Legal Working Group
  • Kovács Attila - Treasury Working Group
  • Németh István - Human and Physical Security Working Group
  • Tóth Illés - JZB Capital Market Working Group
  • Weissmüller Gábor - Anti-Fraud Working Group

Chairpersons of the Hungarian Banking Association working groups:


  • Taxation Working Committee - Dr. Nádházy Tamás

Data Reporting

  • Data Reporting Coordination Forum - Andrea Szurovecz
  • Process Audit Subgroup - Andrea Szurovecz
  • IT Subgroup - Enikő Kádas-Mikulás
  • Elimination of Parallel Data Reporting Subgroup - Ilona Szemes
  • Data Dictionary Subgroup - Iván Vincze
  • OBA KBB Data Reporting - András Kómár

Bank Security

  • Anti-Fraud Working Group - Gábor Weissmüller
  • Human and Physical Security Working Group - István Németh
  • Cyber and IT Security Working Group - István Ragó
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Working Group - Zsolt Wieland; Vice-Chair: Anna Kósa


  • Agricultural Working Committee - Dávid Hollósi
  • EXIM Working Committee - Nóra El-Anani
  • Credit Guarantee Working Group - Éva Hegedüs
  • KHR Working Group - Bence Horváth
  • JZB Capital Market Working Group - Illés Tóth
  • JZB Real Estate Appraisal Working Group - Ákos Fischl
  • JZB Legal Working Group - Attila Bógyi
  • LTP Banking Operations Working Group - Balázs Gerle
  • LTP Legal Working Group - Eszter Komáromi
  • Sustainability Working Group - Réka Hámori
  • Retail Lending and Support Working Group - Anna Florova

Legal Affairs, Governance

  • Compliance Working Group - Zsolt Wieland
  • Internal Audit Working Group - Piroska Barna
  • Legal Working Committee - Balázs Grenczer
  • Data Protection Working Group - Ildikó Dunár; Vice-Chairs: Imre Dósa, Bence Kondor
  • Work-out Working Group - Hölczl Krisztina 
  • Economic Restart Working Group - Attila Bógyi; Vice-Chair: Tamás Balázs Grenczer


  • Communication Working Group - Bence Gáspár, Linda Murányi, József Sipos


  • Macroeconomic Committee - Virovácz Péter 

Payment Transactions

  • Bank Card Working Group - László Németh
  • Cash Transaction Working Group - Molnár Csaba
  • Payment and SEPA Working Committee - Tibor Karvaly; Vice-Chair: Attila Rankó


  • Accounting Liaisons Working Group - Zoltán Tuboly

Treasury Liquidity

  • Treasury Working Group - Attila Kovács; Vice-Chair: Gábor Liener


  • Digitalization Working Group - Péter Csányi

Taxation Working Group

The working group continually reviews and consults on taxation issues affecting the banking sector and the credit institutions sector, as well as drafting proposals for regulatory amendments to the government. It reviews practical issues related to taxation with member banks and fellow associations and follows European and global developments in taxation. 

IFRS Tax Working Group

The working group deals with pinpointing and managing the effects of taxation that concern the entire sector, more specifically the effects arising from the transition to IFRS in the preparation of individual reports and the implementation of standard changes. The WG provides a forum for professional and regulatory consultation on the application of legislative measures. 

Employee Responsible:
Gábor Schőner

Bank Security Working Committee

Where the work done in the Anti-Fraud Working Group, Human and Physical Safety Working Group and the IT Working Group comes together. 

Employee Responsible:

Zoltán Ladányi


Anti-Fraud Working Group

A forum that follows illegal trends in connection with criminal offenses committed against banks (of economic nature), and exchanges relevant information. 

Human and Physical Safety Working Group

Addresses issues related to physical protection and the protection of staff (attacks on ATMs, bank robberies). The WG deals with the protection of objects and human security risks. 

Cyber ​​and Information Security Working Group

A forum for information exchange on attacks on banks' IT systems, including the latest perpetration and prevention methods.  

Employee Responsible:
Zoltán Ladányi


Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Working Group

A forum for tracing trends in money laundering and terrorism financing and debating the newest methods for preventing these. 

Employee Responsible:

Dr. Márkó Gacsal


Bank Regulation

Capital Adequacy Working Group  (Basel, CRD)

Follows international and Hungarian legislation on capital requirements and regulation on liquidity. It provides feedback on the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation (CRD, CRR) and the amendments to them. The working group also takes part in the Hungarian legislation process regarding the implementation of the Capital Requirements Directive, and provides feedback on it. 

Employee Responsible:
Péter Vass

HUNOR - Operational Risk Working Group

At its meetings (Decision Making Body meetings), the working group reviews experiences of operation of the HUNOR database and makes decisions on further enhancements.  

(Participants in the HUNOR Operational Risk Database provide a specific set of data for the database and use the database for their own analyses and models.) 

Employee Responsible:
Gábor Schőner


Digitalization working group

A professional forum for discussing issues, regulations and other topics related to the developmental trends of digitalization. Its aim is to bind together professionally topics regarding digitalization, to carry out advocacy and conciliation activities, to promote education in digital technology, and to support its integration into everyday life as well as to provide an international professional outlook.

Employee Responsible:
Zoltán Ladányi


Agricultural Working Committee

A provisional working committee tasked to review government and ministry decrees affecting the agricultural sector.   


SME Working Committee

The working committee reviews government and ministry decrees related to SMEs and the Hungarian Development Bank's loan schemes for SMEs.    


EXIM Working Group

The working group's task is to provide feedback on the products and programs of the Hungarian Export-Import Bank's and the Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc. (MEHIB).

Documentary Credits Working Group

The working group provides feedback on regulation concerning guarantees and documentary credits, and debates arising problems in interpreting legislation. 

Credit Guarantee Working Group

A forum for providing feedback and making proposals with regard to credit guarantee institutions and credit guarantee products. 

Leasing Working Group

The task of this working group is to provide feedback on legislation regarding leasing activity. 

Széchenyi Card Working Group

The Széchenyi Card Working Group is tasked to provide feedback and opinions on the changes made to the program. 

Employee Responsible

Réka Hámori


Central Credit Register Working Group

The Central Credit Register Working Group, which is responsible for discussing legislative and actual topics related to the provision of credit information of individuals and companies, including debt obligation, database, and development of the program.

Employees Responsible

Dr. Horváth Bence


Mortgage Banks Professional Working Group 

The working group's task is to word proposals for and provide feedback on legislation concering mortgage bonds and mortgage banks.

Employee Responsible:


Human Resources

Human Resources Working Group

A forum for experience exchange between banks' HR officers. The working group is actively involved in the review and drafting of legislation on remuneration policies.

Employee Responsible:
Laura Petró
+36 1 327 6030

Legal Affairs

Compliance Working Group

A forum for banks' compliance officers. 

Internal Control Working Group

The working group regularly discusses the experience gained from and proposals for activities related to activities that fall under the category of internal control according to legislation and the supervisory authority's (MNB) requirements. 

Employee Responsible:

Dr. Márkó Gacsal


Legal Working Committee

The working group establishes the Banking Association's positions for individual governmental proposals. 


Data Protection Working Group

The working group was established uner the Legal Experts WG. Its tasks regard domestic and EU legislation, implementation and initiating other procedures in connection with data proteciton

Work-out Working Group

A standing working group, addressing issues related to judicial foreclosure, debt collection, bankruptcy, liquidation and restructuring proceedings, by definition primarily related to corporate lending.

Private Insolvency Working Group

The working group deals with the operation of the institution of private insolvency, words proposals that concern the regulatory background private insolvency and provides opinions on relevant draft legislation. 

Employee Responsible:
Dr. Bernadett Martonovics


Communications Working Group

The Communications WG's main task is to coordinate the Association's communications in terms of goals, directions and contents with members' communications officers, develop common communications plans and manage media relations.    

Equal Treatment Working Group

The primary aims of the working group are: sharing available professional data on serving clients living with a disability under equal treatment, presenting best practices and generally known international examples and/or problems and their solutions and sharing these. If needed, the coordination and management of relevant issues that arise at sector level or concern more than one member bank in a centralized, organized manner. 

Employee Responsible:
Ágnes Sütő

Liquidity, Treasury

Liquidity and Treasury Working Group

A forum for reviewing and providing feedback on regulation concerning bank liquidity and treasury cases. 

Employee Responsible:

Dr. Horváth Bence


Macroeconomics Committee

A forum for banks' leading macroeconomic analysts, which from time to time reviews and predicts the main processes of the Hungarian economy and the world economy. 

Employee Responsible:
Péter Vass


Bank Cards Working Group

A forum for reviewing issues related to the regulation,  management and development of card transactions and bank cards, as a special banking product. The Working Group addresses both strategic and operational issues. It aims to bring together member banks' cards officers, coordinate and represent members' common interests and provide members with up-to-date information on international developments in the cards business. 

Employee Responsible:
Ágnes Sütő



PAD Working Group 

The working group's task is to make fees for bank accounts and related services more comparable, as well as to unifiy the definitions of relevant concepts. 

Payments Working Group

A forum for discussing current issues in payments and the fundamental purpose of exchanging experiences. 

SEPA Working Committee

A forum for steeromg and organizing domestic SEPA tasks (aimed at unifying payments in the European Union). 

SEM Working Group

The Scheme Evolution and Maintanance WG operates similarly to the EPC Modul1 Task Force. It is mainly concerned with issues regarding currently operational payment schemes, their development and standardization. 

NASO Working Group

The National Adherence Support Organization Working Group aids Hungarian payment service providers in joining the SEPA payment scheme by reviewing the registration documents to be submitted to the EPC. 

Employee Responsible:


Cash Working Group

Tasked to review the central bank's cash distribution regulations. 

Employee Responsible:
Zoltán Ladányi


Accounting, Finance

Accounting Working Group

The working group provides its observations and opinions on European and domestic proposals and issues in connection with accounting. 

Employee Responsible:

Gabor Schőner