PRESS RELEASE: Two weeks of blood donations in banks
In the framework of the Fourth Bank Blood Donation Week, bank employees contributed to the national blood supply with nearly 3,500 units of usable blood. With this initiative and the volume of blood donated, the Hungarian Banking Association is setting an example for other sectors to follow. In addition to the Government Officials' Blood Donation Weeks, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank also joined the Good Bank Blood Donation Programme for the first time this year. Since its launch, the success of the programme has been unbroken, with more and more people taking part in the Bank's blood donations each year, doubling the number of donors since its inception.
In 2023, Bank Blood Donors' Week ran for two weeks due to the high number of bank employees who registered to donate blood. The number of bank blood donors increased by 88 with the accession of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank. The National Blood Service is able to provide the blood donated to nearly 3,500 patients with blood products to help their recovery.
In a statement, Sándor Nagy, Deputy Director General of the National Blood Service (NBS), said that during the Bank Blood Donors' Week, the extra blood provided by bank employees means security and predictability for them. He specifically highlighted that 13 percent of blood donors were first-time donors. In their experience, many first-time donors become regular blood donors.
Levente Kovács, Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association, highlighted the importance of personal example and social responsibility. One person helps three fellow citizens by donating blood. He sees Jelasity Radovan, President of the Hungarian Banking Association, who gave blood for the 41st time this week, as a role model to follow. The number of credit institution employees signing up for the Bank Blood Donors' Week is growing dynamically every year, which shows that the initiative has achieved several goals. On the one hand, more and more people are getting involved in donating blood at a time when the OCBC has the greatest need for a planned replenishment of blood stocks. On the other hand, the exemplary good deeds encourage social cohesion, care for the needy and donations.
Joining the promotion of blood donation, Richárd Lévai, CEO of the largest laboratory diagnostics service provider in Hungary and Europe, announced at the opening event that the art posters, created at the request of the Hungarian Banking Association, will be displayed at nearly 100 locations in Hungary in their blood collection network. They were created by art students of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in 2022 to encourage their peers to donate blood.
In addition to the Bank's blood donors, he expressed his special thanks to István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, and Csaba Kandrács and Barnabás Virág, Vice-Presidents of the Central Bank, who participated in the Opening Event of the programme as voluntary blood donors.
Budapest, 17 October, 2023 - Hungarian Banking Association
PRESS RELEASE: Bankers will come together for blood donation and encourage others
For the 4th time, the Hungarian Banking Association and the domestic banking sector are organizing the Banking Blood Donors Week. This year, the Hungarian National Bank has also joined the GOOD DEED Bank program, in which hundreds of central bank employees, along with sector-wide support, will provide thousands of blood products together with bankers to draw attention to acts of goodwill that heal and save lives.
One of the traditional events of the GOOD DEED Bank initiative is the Banking Blood Donors Week. Within this program, bank employees donate blood to ensure a continuous supply of blood products needed for healthcare. The Banking Blood Donors Week will once again take place as a two-week event, with blood donation stations set up at 14 locations in Budapest and 2 locations in the countryside. The blood collected from hundreds of units will assist in the recovery of thousands of patients.
Leaders of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) and several ministries are participating in the Banking Blood Donors Week. István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who is also a regular blood donor, personally greeted the blood donors at the opening event. István Nagy explained that in Hungary, annually, half a million units of blood are needed for safe blood supply, requiring around half a million voluntary blood donors. The participation of 1600-1800 blood donors daily contributes to maintaining a safe blood supply. Therefore, as a regular blood donor, he encourages everyone to join and help others recover. Be part of the community that can make a difference and save lives – the minister encouraged. He thanked the bank leaders and employees for their selfless donations and blood donations to aid the recovery of sick people. Together, through collaboration, we can achieve something truly valuable.
At the opening event held at CIB Bank, Kandrács Csaba, Deputy Governor of the MNB, participated as a blood donor leader. He emphasized in his speech that in the past year, MNB employees have performed nearly 1000 blood donations, saving the lives of around 3000 compatriots. The fact that Hungarian commercial banks announce and organize the GOOD DEED BANK - Banking Blood Donors Week year after year proves that the sector and its supervision not only contribute their blood but also allocate their financial resources and time for corporate social responsibility. This includes support for not only blood donation but also other educational, customer education, or consumer protection programs.
In his speech, Barnabás Virág, Deputy Governor of the MNB, highlighted the importance of social solidarity. Selfless acts of kindness, such as blood donation, are not only fundamental building blocks of our societies but also shining examples of the responsibility we take for each other. He expressed his gratitude to all those who support the recovery of others through blood donation and hoped that more and more people would follow the example of the banking community.
Nagy Sándor, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Blood Supply Service, expressed his gratitude for the unwavering and even expanding blood donation activity of the banking sector and hoped that this remarkable example would inspire other sectors to engage in blood donation.
Jelasity Radovan, President of the Banking Association, stated the goal of achieving a new record in the number of blood donor donors during Banking Blood Donors Week. Jelasity Radovan is a regular blood donor himself, having already donated blood 40 times. His exemplary commitment was acknowledged with a certificate by Dr. Andrea Matusovits Bayerné, Director-General of the National Blood Supply Service, who thanked him.
Banking Blood Donors Week is not only taking place in Budapest but also in several other locations throughout the country. With the coordination of the National Blood Supply Service and the assistance of the Hungarian Red Cross, banking employees can sign up for blood donation in Nyíregyháza and Békéscsaba, as well as at blood donation centers.
Last year, as part of Banking Blood Donors Week, the Hungarian Banking Association announced a poster design competition to draw attention to the importance of blood donation through the works of young artists from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.
Richárd Lévai, CEO of the largest laboratory diagnostic service provider in Hungary and Europe, announced at the event that they will display blood donation promotional posters in all of their nearly 100 blood collection and laboratory units throughout Hungary, further promoting blood donation.
The members of the banking sector, under the auspices of the Hungarian Banking Association, united under one flag during the coronavirus pandemic. The GOOD DEED Bank initiative was born, which is the joint CSR program of the banking sector. The GOOD DEED Bank supports initiatives where collective action is essential for success, such as blood donation during Banking Blood Donors Week. The activities of the GOOD DEED Bank were recognized with the Mastercard "2021 Social Initiative" special award. One of the most important events of the GOOD DEED Bank is Banking Blood Donors Week, which is...
Budapest, October 2, 2023
The social responsibility initiative of the Hungarian Banking Association
Banks and financial institutions regularly provide a large number of banking donations as part of their social responsibility programmes. In 2020, the coronavirus epidemic posed new challenges to society. Charity activities have gained significance. The banking sector also went beyond its core business of maintaining and boosting the level of cash flow circulating in the economy. We launched our GOOD DEED BANK programme through sector-wide collaboration.
The pandemic affects health and education directly and significantly. The GOOD DEED Bank focuses on these two areas and develops bank donation schemes as part of the programme weeks:
- Banking Blood Donors’ week
- Digital Fast Track Programme - for supplying students with hardware and for their digital development
The success of the initiative is ensured by a major banking partnership, to which many of our member institutions make a significant contribution. We will keep you informed of the results.
In the event series, the organizers focus on the precautions put in place due to the COVID pandemic, and ask contributing colleagues to comply with the rules.
The first social service of the Good Deed Bank is the Banking Blood Donors’ Week (October 12-16, 2020), which is organised with the participation of the Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service and the Hungarian Red Cross.
Blood donation, i.e. giving blood is a very important issue that affects society. Due to the pandemic and the summer holidays, the national blood supply has dropped dramatically. The blood donation of bank managers and their staff means getting better, surviving and staying alive for patients.
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GOOD DEED Bank's educational donation programme aims to close the digital gap for schools and students in need.
The Digital Fast-Track Lane (November 2020 - January 2021) takes the form of hardware distribution donated by financial institution, harmonised with the various banking programmes.
In public education institutions, the digital working order was first introduced in the spring of 2020. In numerous schools, and not just in the countryside, wealthier families donated unused computers and smart devices, so that poorer students could also access online educational materials and attend classes.
It is this social phenomenon that banks are responding to in a positive way; by donating equipment used for accessing and processing educational materials.
„Legyen hozzá szimatod!” - informatív digitális csomag
A Magyar Bankszövetség fontos küldetésnek tartja, hogy a rendelkezésre bocsátott eszközök mellett a felhasználók digitális „otthonossága”, kompetenciája is fejlődhessen. Ezért összeállítottunk egy informatív digitális csomagot, amely tartalmazza a PÉNZ7 fiataloknak készült, játékos, informatív digitális biztonság tananyag elérését is.
Az ismeretanyag az online térben felbukkanó veszélyekre, kockázatokra hívja fel a figyelmet, és ad tanácsokat azok megelőzésére (Pl.: adathalász levelek felismerése, biztonságos jelszóhasználat). A csomag IDE kattintva elérhető.