Publication by Levente Kovács on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Hungarian Banking Association is available at the following link.
Banking Association chronicles in the digital switchover era 2014-2024
Publication by Levente Kovács on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Hungarian Banking Association is available at the following link.
Banking Association chronicles in the digital switchover era 2014-2024
Available only in Hungarian
The state of global mortgage markets and the challenges to them
The continuing increase in the world population and rising living-standard expectancies make it imperative to find an adequate solution for housing issues. The paper sets out to shed more light on the drawbacks and past anomalies of the world mortgage market. The authors look at different continents and try to point out the main causes behind the mortgage-market bottlenecks there. The reasons vary by country, but some similarities emerge, such as the huge initial burden on households placed by the instalments. The paper goes on to introduce a new mortgage-market formula based on the concept of continuity in the present value of instalments". This envisages lower initial monthly instalments for the borrower in present-value terms. This offers an alternative to renting and could serve as a tool to boost home ownership, as well as leading to a healthier global mortgage market.
LXV. évf., 2018. December (1225 - 1256. O.), DOI:10.18414/KSZ.2018.12.1225, Study
(The full study available only in Hungarian)
Kovács Levente - Terták Elemér: Financial Literacy - Theory and Evidence - pleace click here to download the book.
Banking Operations, Bank Management (editors: Levente Kovács, Erika Marsi)
Catching a Glimpse into the Book
The Handbook for Practicing Bankers on Banking Management and Banking Operations was published in late 2018 and fills a gap in current banking/financial literature.
The world around us, the economy is developing more and more dynamically. Financial processes have sped up due to digitalization and technological innovation. Clients’ needs and expectations have grown, services have become more diverse, geographical barriers have disappeared and the pace at which both international and domestic legislation changes has quickened. Because of this banking operations are also changing, taking on new forms and using new instruments. The Handbook aims to introduce these changes, thereby filling this niche in the available professional literature
As co-editor, I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in and open to the applied financial knowledge and the financial culture of our times.
A book of interviews with the Chief Executive Officers of our member banks, published at the General Meeting of 2017. The book includes a study and refers to the period of 2015-2016.
This publication is currently only available in Hungarian.
Access the book's Hungarian version here.
A special issue of the Financial and Economic Review on China (vol. 16, issued January 2017), which includes an article by Dr. Levente Kovács and János Müller.
Access the article here.
This content is only available in Hungarian.
This content is only available in Hungarian.
This content is only available in Hungarian.
This content is only available in Hungarian.