The Hungarian Banking Association created the Golden Beehive Award and the Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition to start a tradition of acknowledging outstanding individual work that promotes the development and operations of the credit institutions sector. The first awards were distributed on April 20, 2012 at the Hungarian Banking Association’s Annual Assembly.
The Golden Beehive Award recognizes the outstanding, exemplary activities of employees engaged in bank advocacy activities or in the banking profession.
The Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition acknowledges an outstanding career path or professional activity that resulted in one exceptional achievement in the banking sector or a related field.
The name of the award symbolizes diligence, organization, perseverance, tireless effort and contributions to society. The main motif of the award was inspired by the Zsolnay porcelain beehive ornaments, located on top of the headquarters of Magyar Királyi Postatakarékpénztár Rt. (the Hungarian Imperial Postal Savings Bank) on Hold Street.
Recipients of the Award in 2024:
- László Utassy (Merkantil Bank) - Golden Beehive Medallion Award
- Balázs Tóth - Golden Beehive Award
- de Brouwer, Sébastien (EBF) - Golden Beehive Award
- Gergely Fábián (NGM) - Golden Beehive Award
- Judit Gondos (PM) - Golden Beehive Award
- Ágnes Hornung (KIM) - Golden Beehive Award
- Anna Kósa (Erste) - Golden Beehive Award
- Péter Kovács (MagNet) - Golden Beehive Award
- István Nagy (AM) - Golden Beehive Award
- Ákos Tisza-Papp (MBH) - Golden Beehive Award
- István Tresó (K&H) - Golden Beehive Award
- Katalin Werny-György (OTP) - Golden Beehive Award
- Tibor Pataki (MNB) - Golden Beehive Award Plaque
- Katalin Szenes (ÓE) - Golden Beehive Award Plaque
Recipients of the Award in 2023:
- Orsolya Haller (CIB Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Péter Hidvégi (Raiffeisen Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Lórándné Kismarty (volt Hitelgarancia) - Golden Beehive Medallion Award
- István Lengyel (BACEE) - Golden Beehive Award
- Balázs Nagy (Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt.) - Golden Beehive Award
- Éva Schadl (Erste Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Illés (Duna Takarék) - Golden Beehive Award
- Márta Pálfalvi (PVOE) - Golden Beehive Award Plaque
Recipients of the Award in 2022:
- Magdolna Basáné Kovács (K&H Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Péter Csányi (OTP Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Sándor Dávid (MBSZ) - Golden Beehive Award
- Ágnes Erdős (Bank of China) - Golden Beehive Award
- Balázs Grenczer (Erste Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Antal Kovács (OTP Bank) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Gyula László Nagy (Takarék Jelzálogbank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Tóth (Magyar Lízingszövetség) - Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2021:
- Katalin Baginyi (UniCredit Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- David Moucheron (K&H Bank) -Golden Beehive Medallion Award
- Tibor Gáspár (Raiffeisen Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Erika Lakos (K&H Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Erik Landgráf (Takarék Jelzálogbank) - Golden Beehive Award
- József Polgár (KDB Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Katalin Morgós (volt WestLB) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- László Balogh (Pénzügyminisztérium) - Golden Beehive Award
- Edit Szentgáli (MTVA) - Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2020:
- Lajos Bartha (MNB) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zsolt Selmeczi-Kovács (GIRO) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Marosi (Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda) - Golden Beehive Award
- Levente Molnár (Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda) - Golden Beehive Award
- Anna Florova (OTP Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Kevin A. Murray (Citibank) - Golden Beehive Medallion Award
- András Bácsfalvi (MKB Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Csaba Braun (Bank of China) - Golden Beehive Award
- Bernadett Nagy (OTP Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Gergely Suppan (Takarékbank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zsuzsanna Szegediné Ludwig (Unicredit Jelzálogbank) - Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2019:
- Mihály Patai (former President of the Hungarian Banking Association) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Włodzimierz Kiciński (Polish Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Erika Kovács, (Hungarian Financial Arbitration) - Golden Beehive Award
- János Nyemcsok (MKB Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Jenő Siklós (Gránit Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Andrea Wéber (CIB Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- László Wolf (OTP Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Erzsébet Büki (Oberbank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Fényi (Sberbank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Csaba Molnár (Raiffeisen Bank) - Golden Beehive Award
- Zsolt Pál (University of Miskolc) - Golden Beehive Award
- Szabolcs Pintér (Bank of China) - Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2018:
- Henrik Auth - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Mária Móra (Hungarian Banking Association) - Golden Beehive Award
- Bence Gáspár (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Rita Jeges (Erste Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Marcell Király (K&H Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Róbert Nagy (Garantiqa Hitelgarancia) – Golden Beehive Award
- Attila Rankó (Deutsche Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2017:
- Hendrik Scheerlinck (K&H Bank) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Heinz Wiedner (Raiffeisen Bank) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Anna Batka (Hungarian Banking Association) –Golden Beehive Award
- Attila Bógyi (OTP Jelzálogbank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Makó (Emergency Preparedness Unit; National Bureau of Investigation) – Golden Beehive Award
- Gyöngyi Némethné Szűcs (Unicredit Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Gábor Weissmüller (Citibank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Katalin Auer (Hungarian Banking Association) –Golden Beehive Award
- Tamás Földi (Hungarian Banking Association) – Golden Beehive Award
- Yang Zaiping (AFCA) – Golden Beehive Award
- Chen Huaiyu (Bank of China) - Golden Beehive Award Plaque
Recipients of the Award in 2016:
- Zsigmond Járai (previously MHB, now ABN Amro Bank) - Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- József Baki (FHB Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Bálint Csere (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Horváth-Szladek (Erste Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Gabriella Kárpáti (Eximbank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Vanda Toma (CIB Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Péter Tódor (Budapest Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2015:
- Béla Singlovics (K&H Bank) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Matthias Kunsch (volt HVB Bank Zrt.) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Gáborné Pölöskei (EMMI) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zsuzsanna Gáspárné Csáki (Raiffeisen Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zsófia Kutas (K&H Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Ferenc Rolek (Budapest Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Magdolna Szőke (Takarékbank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Endre Eölyüs (MasterCard) – Golden Beehive Award
- Erika Marsi (Institute for Training and Consulting in Banking Ltd.) – Golden Beehive Award
Recipients of the Award in 2014:
- Károly Gergely (Fundamenta Lakáskassza) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- Tamás Kovalovszki (K&H Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Pál Kovács (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Iván Ferencz (Fundamenta-Lakáskassza) – Golden Beehive Award
- Gábor Kiss (UniCredit Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Győző Mészáros (Hungarian Leasing Association) – Golden Beehive Award
- Iván Berár (District V Police Department) – Golden Beehive Award
- Fabrizio Centrone (CIB Bank) – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
Recipients of the Award in 2013:
- Sándor Csányi (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- György Surányi (CIB Bank) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- László Harmati (FHB Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zsuzsanna Bereczné Péter (K&H Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zsolt Lajer (Commerzbank) – Golden Beehive Award
- István Ónódy (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Edina Parkánszki (Erste Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Péter Csicsáky (Takarékbank) – Golden Beehive Award
- János Müller (Hungarian Banking Association) – Golden Beehive Award
- Sianturi Batara (Citibank) – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
Recipients of the Award in 2012:
- Tamás Erdei (MKB Bank) – Golden Beehive Certificate of Recognition
- István Prágay (GIRO) – Golden Beehive Award
- Ildikó Szabó (MKB Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Török (Raiffeisen Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- Zoltán Tuboly (OTP Bank) – Golden Beehive Award
- László Balázs (Volksbank) – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
- Antal Beszédes – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
- Sándor Demján – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
- Oszkár Hegedűs – Golden Beehive Award Plaque
- Pál Kiss – Golden Beehive Award Plaque