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2024. October 01.

Another Apple case: both MNB and the Hungarian Banking Association are closely monitoring events

MNB and the Hungarian Banking Association are taking steps to ensure customer safety and financial market stability in the wake of the most recent Apple-related disruption.

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has been informed of repeated payment problems related to Apple. In response, MNB immediately contacted payment service providers and initiated measures aimed at protecting customers. The central bank is closely co-operating with the Hungarian Banking Association, which is in regular work contact with the central bank.

From the very first period of payment problems, it has been clear that most banks are better prepared than before and have taken immediate action to ensure customer safety. According to first, as yet unconfirmed data, this means that far fewer customers are affected by the disruption than in the past.

MNB, whose priority is the stability of financial markets and the safety of its customers, will keep audiences informed.

Budapest, 1 October 2024

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