Who are we?

BankszövetségThe Hungarian Banking Association is the professional advocacy association of the Hungarian banking sector, coordinating and representing the views of the banking community. The Association establishes committees and working groups involving professionals from member banks to develop common positions.

The Association's activities include

  • representing the banking sector's interests,
  • technical consultations
  • participating in the drafting of legislation
  • cooperating with fellow professional associations and NGOs
  • operating technical committees and working groups
  • operating an Ethics Committee
  • coordination and technical consultations during the drafting of government decisions
  • participating in the decision-making processes of the European Banking Federation (EBF)
  • implementing the EBF's positions
Who should I turn to if I have other questions about banks?


Apple's app store erroneously charged large volumes of Hungarian bank card accounts for several hours after 6pm on 26 June 2024.  
Thanks to the swift reporting of the erroneous transactions by the affected Hungarian cardholders, the banking sector was informed and, as an intermediary, took immediate action to address the situation.  
Accordingly, the banking sector contacted the service provider.
Based on the information available so far, the transactions concerned relate exclusively to past or current subscriptions or purchases with erroneous technical repetition. Purchases or cash withdrawal transactions on physical terminals are not affected.
According to Apple, there are no indications of misuse, no misuse of customer data, no data has been compromised. Apple is accepting related customer inquiries.
Based on their feedback, Apple is in the process of refunding the amounts incorrectly charged due to a technical problem.&...

To facilitate effective and professional banking communication with victims of online financial abuse, the Hungarian Banking Association has issued a recommendation to its members


Budapest, 29.05.2024.


Anyone can become a victim of online fraud, regardless of age, gender, education, financial situation, upbringing, ideology or social status.

Experience has shown that, although some people are at higher risk of becoming victims of online fraud, it is by no means possible to clearly define and/or delineate psychological characteristics that can be identified as a characteristic of the target victim group.


The Hungarian Banking Association has prepared a recommendation in the framework of the CyberShield Programme, with the involvement of the Victim Support Centre of the Ministry of Justice, the Hungarian National Bank and the National Police Headquarters as professional coopera...

Founded 35 years ago, the Hungarian Banking Association held its anniversary celebratory conference and General Meeting today, which was attended by, beside banks’ executives, government leaders responsible for the economy and finances, as well as 11 foreign banking association delegates. Márton Nagy, Minister for National Economy, informed participants about the as-is status the Hungarian economy. István Nagy, Minister for Agriculture, spoke about the best way of ensuring liquidity for businesses and sustaining the competitiveness of production under the current, more challenging circumstances; while Barnabás Virág, Deputy Governor of MNB, addressed the current challenges of monetary policy. A cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Hungarian Banking Association was signed.

At the General Meeting, the members decided to publish the following communiqué.


OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann has welcomed the Hungarian PÉNZ7 in a video message, highlighting Hungary's commitment to developing financial awareness and knowledge among young people.The 10th PÉNZ7 kicked off on 4 March 2024, with thousands of schools across the country hosting a week of unconventional lessons supported by expert volunteers. This school year, the focus is on "Financial Life Lessons" in finance and "Think and Do" in entrepreneurship.


More than 200,000 students in 1,250 schools across the country are already taking part in the programme, which aims to develop financial awareness and entrepreneurial skills through 15,000 extraordinary lessons, with the help of 650 volunteers. In 2015, Hungary joined the European Money Week initiative, which is taking place simultaneously in around 35 countries across Europe, as a founding member, and we have also been a key participant in the gl...