
2024. July 17.

New law comes into force against online criminals

On 17 July 2024, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) and the Hungarian Banking Association (MBSZ) held a press conference to present the new legislation that will enter into force on 1 August 2024 to help combat online criminals effectively.

Minister of Justice Bence Tuzson said that a package of laws to use the law to take action against online criminals was submitted to Parliament this spring at the initiative of the IM, in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy, the MNB and the MBSZ.

The government's aim with the new package of laws was to speed up the detection of criminal offences. 
The MNB expects banks to use a real-time abuse screening system to detect transactions that could be suspected of abuse immediately, before they are executed, across billions of transactions.

More recently, fraudsters are increasingly using targeted phishing, where attackers use public information, including that available on social media, to lure potential victims with personalised messages. This is why it is necessary to look for points in the fight against fraud where it is necessary to strengthen defences," he said.

Levente Kovács, Secretary General of the MBSZ, stressed that it is necessary to be able to recognise cyber fraudsters and their methods, and preventive information has an essential role to play in this. 

17 July 2024

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